- ...slipping glimpses...
- acrylic on paper on canvas (collage)
- 80 x 120cm
- 2006
- Aus $4000.
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- Butoh 01 - Butoh's art endeavours to help us find out our own mind, and creatively release its contents. All true art reaches out toward this. Great art achieves it.
- oil on canvas diptych
- 120 x 180cm
- 2007
- Aus$8800.
- paleolithic understory
- oil on canvas
- 100 x 150cm
- 2006
- Aus $8800.
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- corroboree (detail)
- acrylic paper collage on board
- 100 x 180cm
- $9900.00
- ... the butoh costume is like throwing the cosmos onto one's shoulders. And for butoh, while the costume covers the body it is the body that is the costume of the soul..(kazuo Ono)
- oil on canvas
- 154 x 163cm + 4 single units
- 2007
- Aud$11,000
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- Butoh 02. It is said that butoh was the manifestation of a desire for metamorphosis. Butoh engaged itself in a combat with a painted body, but the body remained raw.
- acrylic on canvas - diptych
- 100 x 180cm
- 2007
- Aud $8800.
- ...we don't have theology, we don't have ideology...we dance (1)
- oil on canvas
- 180 x 170
- 2006
- $11,000.
- Butoh 02
- acrylic on canvas - diptych
- 100 x 180cm diptych
- 2007
- Aude$8800.
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- ...Dance of the Soul...
- acrylic on paper on canvas (collage)
- 50 x 40cm
- $2000.
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- ...we don't have theology, we don't have ideology, we dance...(2)
- oil on canvas
- 180 x 170cm
- 2006
- $11,000.